Sunday, April 15, 2007

What went on in the world on...

Even though I wasn't officially 'tagged', this looked like way to much fun to pass up~so here goes.

Wiki Birthday Meme Thing - at least that is what it is called.
Here are the rules are:
1) Go to Wikipedia
2) In the search box, type your birth month and day, but not the year.
3) List three events that happened on your birthday
4) List two important birthdays and one death
5) One holiday or observance (if any)
6) Tag 5 other bloggers to complete

Events on my birthday (December 11th):

  • 1927-Guangzhou Uprising: Communist militia and workder red guards launch an uprising in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, taking over most of the city and announcing the formation of a Guangzhou Soviet.
  • 1941 - World War II - Germany & Italy declare war on the United States
  • 1972 - Apollo 17 becomes the sixth mission to land on the moon.
Born on my Birthday:
  • 1709- Louise Elisabeth of Orleans, queen consort of Spain
  • 1912- Carlo Ponti, Italian film producer
  • 1950- Christina Onassis, American heiress
Died on my Birthday:
  • 384- Pope Damascus I
  • 1941- John Gillespie Magee, Jr. , American Poet and aviator
  • 2006- Elizabeth Bolden, American, oldest verified person in the world @ time of her death
  • Argentina - Tango Day, Buenos Aires

What a great distraction! I found this on a another site and it was a lot of fun to do. Thanks


k1 said...

Hi Ruth, since I don't have a blog, but wanted to play, I'll post my findings here.


475 Roman General Orestes forced Roman Emperor Nepos to flee his capital of Ravenna and installed his (Orestes') son, Romulus Augustus, in his place.

1907 UPS founded in Seattle by James E Casey

1963 Martin Luther King Jr gives his famous "I have a dream" speech in Washington DC


1582 Taichang Emperor of Ming Dynasty of China.

1943 Joe Piniella of baseball fame


1818 Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable, founder of Chicago


Liberation Day, Hong Kong (1945)