Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I'm always asked, "Why is the wait so long?..."

Why has China slowed down suddenly, or rather over the past 11+ months? There is no one specific answer to that question but here are a few factors that play into the "unofficial slowdown":

* Fewer babies because of more domestic adoption

* Fewer babies due to urbanization/economic growth

* Baby Trafficking Case between orphanages in Hunan in 2005

* The CCAA this year took over running all of China’s orphanages not just the 200 or so that do Intercountry adoption.

* The CCAA moved offices this summer (larger facility)

* There may be a concern re “face” i.e. China was one of the fastest places in the world for ICA - potentially to be seen as a negative with the 2008 Olympics coming.

However no one really knows and no one knows how many exact applications per month the CCAA actually has. Consequently it is almost impossible to project what timelines will be.


Truly Blessed said...

And how do you reply to that question?

k1 said...

Ruth, I'm on the phone with my sister and she feels the need to explain her comment. She asked me why you only posted titles on your blog, and no narrative. I'm like, "what are you talking about, there's lots of narrative". Well, apparently not on her screen. She gets the titles and the photos, but nothing else. She didn't want you to think she is a total idiot.... just a partial one. Oh, she said she doesn't want you to think she's an idiot at all. My mistake. Oh, well.

I wonder why your text doesn't show up at her end. She's really interested in what you have to say.

k1 said...

I like the new look!!!

Ruth and Brian said...

Thanks K1 ~ I was also reading somewhere that if you don't have a "secondary" font choice for the blog, readers who weren't able to see the first one wouldn't be able to read it - maybe that's what happened to your sister. Have her try and look at it now since I changed the template to see if she can read it.

Truly Blessed said...

Hi Ruth-- love the new look AND I can read it! Woo hoo!

Feeling a little dumb after leaving that comment, but so glad I talked to K1 and found out that you weren't just posting headlines (I really couldn't figure that out!!).

Anyway, now I'll go back and read. Have you checked out K1's new blog? You should pop over and say "hi"!