Sunday, October 19, 2008

If only...

It wouldn't be LIFE WITH ABIGAIL without cute pictures...

Loving my food

Boy do I love to go for a stroller ride

Did I tell you how much I love to go for a stroller ride?

Mommy rubbing the gums for those aching molars!


If only...

* there were more hours in the day
* I had more hands, arms, legs, ears, etc to handle the many "mom" demands
* there weren't horrible respiratory colds
* there were a blogger nanny who would post daily for me
* dishes, laundry. vacuuming did it by themselves
* ways to understand 1 year old baby-ese
* there were a never ending kleenex box (gone through my fair share this week)
* there were a book titled "What to expect now that you're home with your newly internationally adopted child..."
* my cup of tea stayed hotter longer
* there wasn't any whining
* there weren't dogs who piddle on your sons sleeping bag
* the road through this new phase of mommy-hood wasn't so challenging
* adjustment & bonding were so much simpler
* if only
* if only
* if only

Life has taken me by storm these days! Most days I don't even know what day it is (thank goodness for teen-age boys to set you straight). The transition has been slow and hard. I'm just trying to figure out what my new role of Mommy looks like.

Thanks for hanging in there!


Doreen said...

Ruth, sorry to hear you're having a rough time. It will get better once you find the groove.I just needed alittle dose of Abigail. Thanks for providing my fix.

Doreen in Montreal

LauraM said...

I love the pictures of Abigail. Is think of you all the time and pray for the new adjustment in your family.

T n' W said...

I'm sure you'll be smooth sailing very soon! (as smooth as you can be with a new baby, three sons, a hubby, and a dog!) More hours in the day would be great, especially if I could squeeze a nap in there!:)

ww said...

Sorry to hear things have been a little rough - but looking at that beautiful smile and those shiny expressive eyes - I can tell the bonding is going well and things will get easier soon. Blessings, Wendy

deb said...

Thank you for taking time out to update your blog. I've been missing you and thinking about you lately. Hang in there, chickie, I know you are doing better than you think you are.

k1 said...

You'll get there. Hugs to you.

You've got the big boys to help out if/when you need it. Have them push her stroller for a walk if you need time to do something in the house or you just need time for for yourself. It'll give them exercise, fresh air, and a chance to bond more with Abigail.

Truly Blessed said...

{{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS!}}}}}}}}

I'm working on an email -- want to get it right before I send it, but I got yours and am formatting my reply.

Abigail is just too cute! Yay for stroller rides!

k1 said...

Thanks for the Thank You card.

It was a pleasure. Wouldn't have missed it!