Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm a Starbuck's girl

I couldn't resist! I had the treat of a free Chai Soy Latte from Starbuck's this afternoon which I savored and thoroughly enjoyed to the last drop. Abigail was set on the fact that she should have some (I resisted as I felt like being selfish today), so I obliged with the cup after the fact.

"Don't even think about touching my drink"

"Mmmmm, this is so tasty."

"Good to the last drop"

"Want some??"


LauraM said...

A girl after my own heart! :)

Truly Blessed said...

It's okay, she's too young for coffee drinks. And the cups are so much fun!

ww said...

Abigail is always so cute and smiley! Love her cheeks and her smile!