Monday, January 12, 2009

Taking a Vacation...

from my problems!!!
(for all those 'What about BOB' fans)

okay, so I can't say that I really have a whole lot of problems per se, rather it's more from the dreary weather we've had for the past month!

So with that I give you where my vacation would take the SUN.

And then it's time for a FIESTA - Ole'
(at least baby cakes is ready)

Please, no autographs.

And of course, this face is worth coming back from vacation for!


Tammie said...

oh right there with you.... i am gonna hide in your suitcase!

LauraM said...

Very cute. I'm amazed she'll wear the glasses. It looks like she scratched her forehead. Ohhh. Such a cutie pie.

k1 said...

Ah, yes.

Only 22 more days before I head to Florida/Bahamas! You are ensured wonderful weather while I am gone and we'll probably have a typhoon down there.