Much to my own chagrin, it turns out the accident left me with more pain than I thought it would.
Today I ended up with so much discomfort in my neck, shoulder blades and back that it was truly a no brainer that I should see the chiropractor.
Easy right?? Think again. Apparently (for those who have never been in an accident), you don't just get to make an appointment, show up, get adjusted, go home and feel better. No, you must first spend 1 hour on the phone with the other drivers insurance company only to find out that in order to file a claim for "bodily injury" it must go through my auto insurance company.
So hang up phone and call my auto insurance (spend another 30 minutes) and ask them to open up a bodily injury claim (hopefully you have bodily injury on your policy), they will ask you all the same questions you've already been asked twice before, fill out a form and tell you someone from the claims office will call you back.[All I want is a crackerbacker for crying out loud].
2 hours later, claims office decides to call you back issuing you a claim number which really means you no longer have a name but just that all important number! NOW, you can call the chiropractor to set up an appointment to be assessed.
Let me just say that is just about enough to drive anyone to drink!
I am happy to report that my youngest and I have been seen, assessed and adjusted and are hoping to feel better any minute now! My older two will be assessed early next week to see if the accident caused them any spinal damage as well. Your prayers are welcomed.
President's Day Weekend Feb. 2025
4 days ago
Praying that you all get back to feeling good soon. I can't meet on Monday but any other day of the week is ok....if you are up to it:)
I know how bad whiplash feels. It is truly debilitating. I'm so sorry you are having to experience it.
I've added you to the Prayer Request list. (no hints needed!)
Hope you all are feeling better today. The pain usually starts to go away by the third day, so tomorrow should be better.
Oh man. Insult upon injury, that's what that is!
Hope your adjustment helped and that you're not in pain anymore.
Praying for you all...
Ruth, how are you guys doing?
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