Tuesday, December 18, 2007

STUCK...in the land of the ill

It's true, the flu bug has hit 2 of my boys. UGGgggghhhh. My oldest woke up Monday morning early worshiping the white throne. After doing his business, he returned to bed and slept for 7.5 hours.

"Phew" we all thought as it appeared to have just barely left evidence of being worthy of being called anything at all.

Well, we didn't escape it that easily. My youngest woke this morning at 7:00am and began bowing down to again said 'White Throne' and didn't let up until early afternoon ~ poor fellow. I have literally spent more time sanitizing everything in, near or around the bathroom and his bedroom that my fingers have pruned to the point of un-recognizable (good thing we have already been finger-printed for the 2nd time as I think I have burnt all my prints off with chemicals).

I'm tired, worn out and don't care to see another bottle of Lysol in the near or far future. Pray that N recovers quickly and for protection for the rest of the clan.


k1 said...

Oh No! No fun at all!

Hoping for a speedy recovery for N and for immunization for the rest of you!